Menopause natural treatments to help hot flushes

Margaret river naturopath treating peri-menopause and menopause

Perimenopause symptom naturopath western australia

Looking for guidance in the storm of perimenopause? I can help you navigate this transition to step into a time of personal wellbeing, power and wisdom.

Let’s work together!

  • Free Fifteen

    Thinking of connecting with a naturopath but want to check that we fit? This is for you…

  • Margaret River Naturopath

    Initial Naturopathic Consultation

    A 90 minute deep dive into all areas of your health to develop your individual treatment plan.

  • Naturopath In Margaret River

    Follow Up Naturopathic Consultation

    Let’s review your progress, test results and treatment plan.

  • Events & Workshops

    Workshops and Group Work

    Coming soon!

Claire Strong,


If I could tell my 40-year-old self anything, I would say don’t worry at all, life gets better with age, not worse!

My own experience of menopause inspired me to use my training and knowledge to help others in this transforming period of life. While I believe that the body knows best and we usually need to just get out of the way, the experience of perimenopause and eventual menopause can be truly disorienting and difficult for many women.

Many will dismiss your concerns, tell you to put up with it, it’s part of female life. But there ARE choices, and I am happy to report that on the other side of this transition, you can be stepping into a time of great personal power and wisdom

I practice from the heart of beautiful Margaret River, in southwest Western Australia - in the clinic and online.

Menopause Naturopath Margaret River WA

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”

― Maya Angelou

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